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Tottori Shimane Okayama Hiroshima Yamaguchi
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Site Name HG PG MPG
Reisekisan Flight Area  
  • In the Ratings of Takeoff, Condition of Flight and Landing, 5 means exremely demanding and 1 means the easiest in comparison.
  • PG=paraglider  HG=hang glider  MPG=motor paraglider  JR=Japan Railway

 Site Name Reisekisan Flight Area
 Location Kawahara-cho, Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture
 Type Hang Glider, Paraglider
 Direction 5 minutes from Kawahara IC of Tottori Expressway, 20 minutes by car or bus from JR Tottori Station
 Flying Season Year-round (closed when climing is difficult due to snow in winter season)
Name Zero Paraglider School ( or Oak Hang Glider School)
Address 1-16-45-2 Hamasaka, Tpttori City, Tottori Prefecture 680-0001 (38-1 Nagase, Kawaramachi, Tottori City)
TEL 0857-29-9098 (0858-85-2803)
Email info@zero-para.co.jp
URL https://zero-para.rezio.shop/ja-JP
Entry Fee  
Membship Fee JY5,000/year
 Visiting Pilot
Visitor Rating JHF-B or IPPI SafePro Para Stage 2 accompanied by instructor
Visitor Fee JY2,000
Terrain N mainly (S too)
Height 280m
LD-TO Access 10-15 minutes by car
Size 60m×150m
Vertical Distance from TO 1,000m
Recommended Approach Take long leg approach line.
Terrain Flat field
Site Comment  
 Others Winds may moving across the straight line from the river and TO to LD.
 Last updated 2022/10/26
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