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  Flying Sites and Clubs in Japan
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Site Name HG PG MPG
Ohira Sky Club  
Karasuyama Area
AKAIWA Utsunomiya Area    
Tochigi MPG Pilot Club Higashi Ashinuma Flight Area    
  • In the Ratings of Takeoff, Condition of Flight and Landing, 5 means exremely demanding and 1 means the easiest in comparison.
  • PG=paraglider  HG=hang glider  MPG=motor paraglider  JR=Japan Railway

 Site Name Ohira Sky Club
 Location 654 Nishiyamada, Ohira-machi, Tochigi City, Tochigi Prefecture
 Type Hang Glider, Paraglider
 Direction By car: 11km or 17 minutes from Sano IC of Tohoku Expressway, 9km or 18 minutes from Tochigi IC.
By train: 1.5km, 18 minutes' walk from Ohira-shimo Station of JR Ryomo Line. 2.3km, 29 minutes'walk from Ohira-shimo Station of Tobu Nikko Line.•ª
 Flying Season Year-round
Name Kurokawa Kazushige
Address 953|2 Mibuko, Mibu-machi, Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi Prefecture
TEL 080-7311-9876
Email harison.papa3@gmail.com
URL https://www.cc9.ne.jp/~o-hirasukai782/m/index.html>
Entry Fee JY20,000
Membship Fee JY40,000
 Visiting Pilot
Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI SafePro Para Stage 4
Visitor Fee JY3,000
Name Teruishisan googlemap
Terrain S@10m~20‚A10`20‹slope
Height 350m
LD-TO Access 5 minutes by car to mono-rack station, 18 minutes' ride to TO.
Name Main Landing googlemap
Size 100m~150m
Vertical Distance from TO 1.4km
Recommended Approach Cross over in advance power lines above the main road.
Terrain Flat fallow field
Site Comment Penalty will be charged when you make outside landing in front of road south side of LD.
 Others Confirm by radio that leg belts are fastened before taking off. Visitor is requessted to get permission by club member in advance.
 Last updated 2023/7/11
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 Site Name Karasuyama Area
 Location Heguriyama, Kyono, Nasu Karasuyama City, Tochigi Prefecture
 Type Hang Glider, Paraglider, Motor Paraglider
 Direction By car: 45 minutes from Kamimikawa IC of Kita-Kanto Expressway which is 2km from Tochigi IC of Tohoku Expressway. 50 minutes from Naka IC of Jyoban Expressway. Close to Route 294.
By train: After transfering ata Utsunomiya Station, 10 minutes from Karasuyama Station of Utsunomiya-Karasuyama Line.
 Flying Season Year-round
Name Imai Tadashi of Karasuyama Sky Trial Club
Address 1-46-30-304 Oizumicho, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 178-0062
TEL 080-6540-7539
Email skytrialclub@gmail.com
URL https://www.facebook.com/Karasuyama.Skytrial
Entry Fee No
Membship Fee JY1,000/year
 Visiting Pilot
Visitor Rating JHF-B or IPPI SafePro Para Stage 2 accompanied by instructor, JHF-NP or IPPI SafePro Para Stage 3 accompanied by JHF-P
Visitor Fee JY2,500 (including shuttle fee)
Name Heguriyama googlemap
Terrain SSE mainly but possibly SE-WSW too. 5 degree slope. 15m~25m
Height 300m
LD-TO Access 7 minutes by shuttle car of the club or on foot.
Size 80m~300m
Vertical Distance from TO  
Recommended Approach Descending in aproach zone at ridge side ahead of LD.
Site Comment No power lines and you'd make safety landing but penalty will be charged if you make outside landing. Never make landing on plowed field before cropping. Some lifting while approaching on a day of strong thermal condition.
 Others Beutiful view of Nakagawa river running meandering and Karasuyama basin looking down below every four seasons. Beginners can practice take off and landing in short distance and pilots would enjoy flight taking advantage of ridge lift and thertmal lift . You woud gain altitude of 1,500m or more and see ocean when good condition given. Pilots frequently visit and not get bored. The area is managed by nonprofit organization and cooperation of local residents. Visitors who make safty flight following rules of the club and area are most welcome. Feel free to vist.
 Last updated 2022/10/5
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 Site Name AKAIWA Utsunomiya Area
 Description 20 minutes from Kanuma ramp and Utsunomiya ramp of Tohoku expressway, open year round, almost always conditions are flyable.
 Location Kogashi-machi, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi Prefecture
By Car Approx. 20 minutes from Kanuma IC and Utsunomiya ramp of Tohoku expressway
By Train Shin-kanuma Station of Tobu Nikko Line (pick-up service subject to booking in advance) or Fubasami Station of JR Nikko Line
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
&Name of School AKAIWA Paraglider School Utsunomiya
 Bilingual Staff No
 Name AKAIWA Paraglider School Utsunomiya
Address 1796-1 Kogashi-machi, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan 321-0341
TEL 028-652-5531
FAX 028-652-5532
Email akaiwa@aj.wakwak.com
URL http://www.akaiwa-para.com/
Check-in desk 09:00∼
 Visitor Rating JHF-NP or IPPI ParaPro 3 (subejct to JHF-P or IPPI ParaPro 4 accompanied), or greater
 Member's Fee JY43,200/year
 Visitor Fee JY3,100/day
 Takeoff (TO)
Direction SW  S  SE
Terrain 18° slope
Rating 1
Size 4 gliders side by side (platform)
TO ASL 470m
GPS Coordinates N36°37′08″  E139°45′56″
Site Comment
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 45%  Ridge Soarings 40%   Sleddies 15%
Rating 1
Altitude TO∼LD 270m
Distance TO&simLD 300m
Site Comment
 Landing (LD)
Size 300m×200m
Terrain Flat
Rating 1
LD ASL 200m
GPS Coordinates N36°36′79″  E139°45′32″
Site Comment Extensive space and easy to make landing with no barrier.
 Access LD∼TO 2 minutes by school shuttle, mono-rack cart 17 minutes, total 19 minutes (mono-rack carts for 6 and 12 passengers)
 Cross Country Flight JHF-XC or IPPI ParaPro 5
 Place of Interest Many hot spas for day trippers, leading sightseeing spots of Nikko/Kinugawa are near by, shops of Gyoza (dumpling), specialty food of Utsunomiya-shi, are in about 20 minutes, school has accommodation for overnight stay.
 Others Flyable days year round.
 Last updated 2018/1/31
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 Site Name Tochigi MPG Pilot Club Higashi Ashinuma Flight Area
 Description Landing field is rice field lying fallow withut any obstacle.
 Location Higashi Ashinuma, Kami-Kawachi-cho, Tochigi Prefecture
By Car 15 minutes from Utsunomiya IC of Tohoku Expressway.
By Train 5 minutes by taxi from Ujiie Station of JR Utsunomiya Line.
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
&Name of School Tochigi MPG Pilot Club
 Bilingual Staff
 Name Tochigi MPG Pilot Club
Address 2910-30 Kami-Tomatsuri-cho, Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan 320-0051
TEL 090-9807-3474
FAX 028-621-2054
Email KIKKAWA@sea.u.catv.ne.jp
URL http://sky.geocities.jp/tochigimpg/
Check-in desk 09:00∼17:00
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI ParaPro 4 or greater
 Member's Fee JY10,000/year
 Visitor Fee JY1,000/day
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Higashi Ashinuma Area TO
Direction Every direction
Terrain Flat
Rating 1
Size 50m×100m
TO ASL 159m
GPS Coordinates N36°39′45″  E139°56′19″
Site Comment
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings %  Ridge Soarings %  Sleddies 100%
Rating 1
Altitude TO∼LD 0m
Distance TO&simLD 0m
Site Comment Keep ample altitude when passing over private houses.
 Landing (LD)
Size 50m×50m
Terrain Flat
Rating 1
LD ASL 159m
GPS Coordinates N36°39′45″  E139°56′19″
Site Comment
 Access LD∼TO 0 minute
 Cross Country Flight Allowed
 Place of Interest Hot spring in 3 minutes by car.
 Last updated 4/25/2003
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