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  Flying Sites and Clubs in Japan
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Gifu Shizuoka Aichi Mie
«Shizuoka Prefecture» b Back to Map and Prefecture List b
Site or Club Name HG PG MPG
Asagiri Kogen Tonbo Area    
Asagiri Kogen Area    
Imaihama Flying School  
Kawane-uyama Nanamagari Sky Park  
Nishi-Fuji Area    
Ikawa Sasayama  
Asagiri Kogen Inokashira    
Asagiri Kogen Shiraito    
Izu-no-kuni Katsuragiyama Area    
Tan'na Area  
Hamanako Flight Area    
Higashi-izu Misuijiyama Flight Area  
Kan'nami Glider Park  
  • PG=paraglider  HG=hang glider  MPG=motor paraglider  JR=Japan Railway

 Location 1507-1, Shimotaga, Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture
 Type Paraglider
 Direction By Car:30 seconds from Yamabushi-toge pass IC of Izu-Skyline@By Train:Izu-Taga Station of JR Itoh Line (pikcup available subject to reservation)
At Izu-Taga Station of JR Itoh Line
When Everyday
 Flying Season Year-round
Name Meguro Satoshi
Address 1507-1, Shimotaga, Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture
TEL 0557-67-1900
Email yoyaku@paraglider.co.jp
URL https://www.paraglider.co.jp
Entry Fee No (student of the school)
Membship Fee JY44,000/year
 Visiting Pilot
Visitor Rating JHF-P
Visitor Fee JY6,600
Name P1
Terrain E@20mx30m@30‹
Height 70m
GPS 35.052098289183824, 139.03297141521796
LD-TO Access Shuttle or on foot
Name P2
Terrain NE-SW@30 x 30‚@30‹
Height 100m
GPS 35.052098289183824, 139.03297141521796
LD-TO Access Shuttle or on foot
Name Club House Yoko LD
Size 35m x 80‚
Vertical Distance from TO 0.8km
GPS 35.04846869778098, 139.03555329765462
Recommended Approach  
Terrain Palaglider only@Moderate airflow
Site Comment
 Last updated 2022/3/1
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 Site Name Asagiri Kogen Tonbo Area
 Location Inokashira, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture
 Type Paraglider
 Direction 40 minutes from Fuji IC of Tomei Expressway, Shin-Fuji IC of Shin-Tomei Expressway, Kawagucchiko IC of Chuo Expressway
 Flying Season Year-round
Name Tonbo Club
Address 2786 Inokashira, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, 418-0108
TEL 070-8536-6902 (only on flayable days)
Email No
URL https://tonboclub1.wordpress.com
Entry Fee JY10,000
Membship Fee JY30,000/year
 Visiting Pilot
Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI SafePro 4 (JHF-B and -NP when accompanied by JHF-P pilot)
Visitor Fee JY3,000
Name Tonbo Club TO googlemap
Terrain SE 600‡u 15 degree slope
Height 350m
LD-TO Access 15 minutes by car plus 5 minutes' walk
Name Nishifuji Tomonokai LD googlemap
Size 3,600‡u
Vertical Distance from TO 800m
Recommended Approach Approaching by aiming at two big trees at west of LD is recommended.
Terrain Flat meadow
Site Comment Hang gliders also use part of the LD. Penalty will be charged to outside landing.
 Others Area is operated by club members providing homely atmosphere and welcomes you feeling free to visit. Please attend ASA Safety Seminar before you take off. (lecture fee JY1,000, validity for 2 years)
 Last updated 2022/11/14
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 Site Name Asagiri Kogen Area
 Dscription Both beginners and frequent flyers can enjoy nice flight riding on ridge and thermal lift year round. Wide and spacious landing field.
 Location Asagiri Kogen highland, Shizuoka Prefecture
By Car 35 minutes on R139 from Kawaguchi-ko IC of Chuo Expressway, or 50 minutes on R139 from Fuji ramp of Tomei Expressway
By Train 50 minutes by bus from Shin-Fuji Station of JR Shinkansen (Bullet Train)
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
 Name of School Asagiri Kogen Paraglider School
 Bilingual Staff Not available
Name Asagiri Kogen Paraglider School
Address 282-1 Nehara, Fujinomiya-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 418-0101
TEL 0544-52-1031
FAX 0544-52-1033
Email mailto:asagiripara0531@gmail.com
URL http://www.asagiri-para.com/
Check-in Desk 09:00`
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI ParaPro 4 (JHF-B or IPPI ParaPro 2 when accmapanied by instructor ), or greater
 Member's Fee JY44,000/year  JY1,100/day
 Visitor Fee JY3,200/weekday JY3,800/Saturday & Sunday
 Takeoff (TO)
Name 400 200 150
Direction S
Terrain 20° slope
Rating 1
Size Two of 20m×40m
TO ASL 1,180m
GPS Coordinates N35°24′788″  E138°34′203″
Site Comment Lifting and soaring right after taking off
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 49%  Ridge Soarings 49%  Sleddies 1%
Rating 2
Altitude TO∼LD 300m
Distance TO∼LD 1,000m
Site Comment Having thermals from morning to evening, you would be able to gain altitude even in the afternoon.
 Landing (LD)
Size 300m×400m
Terrain Flat
Ratign 1
LD ASL 880m
GPS Coordinates N35°24′567″  E138°35′056″
Site Comment Spacious, 400m×300m, LD with no pressure
 Access LD∼TO Shuttle bus plus mono-rack cart (JY700 flight coupon per ride)
 Cross Country Flight Submit flight plan in advance to the school master.
 Place of Interest Over-night stay at 2nd floor of the school office at JY700 (cleaning charge). Many sight seeing spots including hot springs exist around Mt. Fuji.
 Others @
 Last updated 2022/10/24
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 Site Name Imaihama Flying School
 Location 2km from Midaka 2358-2, Kawazu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture
 Type Paraglider, Hang Glider
 Direction Kawazu Station of Izukyu Line
90 minutes via Izu-jukan Highway-R414 from Numazu IC of Tomei Expressway
At Kawazu Station
When Daily, reservation required
 Flying Season Year-round
Name Nishino Rikiya
Address 51-21 Midaka, Kawazu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture 413-0503
TEL 0558-34-0708
Email riki@imaihama.com
URL http://www.imaihama.com/
Entry Fee JY20,000
Membship Fee JY33,000/year
 Visiting Pilot
Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI SafePro 4
Visitor Fee JY4,000
Name 120 googlemap
Terrain NE`S@W25m L50m Moderate`25 degree slope 550m ASL
Height 120m
LD-TO Access 5 minutes by car
Name 300 googlemap
Terrain E`SW@W20m L20m Flat`30 degree slope@720m ASL
Height 300m
LD-TO Access By car
Name Main LD googlemap
Size 20,000‡u
Vertical Distance from TO TO1-LD1 300m
Recommended Approach Eight Figure`Base`Final
Terrain Lawn
Site Comment For hang glider and paraglider using NE-E wind
Name Next to Club House LD googlemap
Size 20,000‡u
Vertical Distance from TO TO2`LD2 1km
Recommended Approach Eight Figure`Base`Final
Terrain Lawn
Site Comment Paraglider only,a bit small width
 Others Be cautious about rotor due to LD is sorruonded by slopes. Pick either of 2 LDs depending on wind direction.
 Last updated 2023/7/19
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 Site Name Kawane-uyama Nanamagari Sky Park
 Description Cross country area which commands below your eyes a view of Uyama Meanders (seven bends) at Kawane, Oigawa River. Altitude difference of 700 meters.
 Location Tsuzura, Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture
By Car Approx. 30 minutes' ride heading north for about 20 km along Oigawa River to LD from Kanaya-Shimada IC of New Tomei Expressway. 25 minutes from LD to TO.
By Train
 Flying Season Year round
 School Training by visiting instructors (subject to more than one instructor per school) is accepted.
 Name of School
 Bilingual Staff Depending on the day and prior confirmation is needed.
Name Nanamagari Paraglider Park
Address 735-3 Yanaka, Morimachi, Shuchi-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 437-0225
TEL 090-5108-5420
FAX 0538-85-1126
URL http://nanamagaripara.wixsite.com/mysite
Check-in Desk Please make entry by accessing the URL, code S1111.
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI ParaPro 4 or equivalent, or greater (student accmpanied by an instructor is accepted)
 Member's Fee Nil
 Visitor Fee JY1,000
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Arashi
Direction S∼ENE
Terrain 20°
Rating 2
Size 15m×20m
TO ASL 876m
GPS Coordinates N34°59′42.69″  E138°3′3.27″
Site Comment Head wind comes in constantly.
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 80%  Ridge Soarings 10%  Sleddies 10%
Rating 2
Altitude TO∼LD 697m
Distance TO∼LD 2,360m
Site Comment Search for lift along the ridge on the left of TO.
 Landing (LD)
Size 300m×150m on dry riverbed  100m×600m on the ground
Terrain Flat
Rating 2
LD ASL 179m
GPS Coordinates N34°59′14.43″  E138°4′28.30″
Site Comment Landing at the road on dry riverbed is the best. The ground may be used for landing when it is not used.
 Access LD∼TO 10km, 25 minutes by shuttle at JY500
 Cross Country Flight Air spce above Oigawa river except air spcace of ATC and less than 500 meters above Kawane Onsen hot springs. Landing must be at dry riverbed of Oigawa River and the ground may be landed when it is not used.
 Place of Interest Oigawa Railway with popular steam locomotive run, Tokinosumika Kawane Onsen Hotel, Kawane Onsen Cottage, roadside station Kawane Onsen, Kawane Nanamagarijyuku Youth Hostel (at about JY400 with breakfast).
 Others Registration declaring your flight at your own initiative and responsibility is required according to the agreement with the land owner.
Site name was changed to Nanamagari Sky Park in 2019.
 Last updated 2019/2/13
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 Site Name Nishi-Fuji Area
 Location Inokashira, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture
 Type Hang Glider
œFrom Fujinomiya Station to Inokashira via Kyuukamura by Fujikyu-Shizuoka Bus œFrom Kawaguchiko Station to Inokashira-iriguchi by Shinfuji Line of Fujikyu Bus
œKawaguchiko IC of Chuo Expressway œFuji-Yoshida IC of Higashifujigoko Exxpressway œFuji IC of Tomei Expressway œShinfuji IC of Shin-Tomei Expressway
If you let us know in advance, we might be able to contact a pilot who is going to fly on that day and ask him/her to share his/her car with you.
 Flying Season Year round
Name Naito Munehiro of Nishifuji Tomonokai (West Fuji Club)
Address 4682-4 Wakamatsu-cho, Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
TEL 090-4439-2187
Email takahiro@naitokouki.co.jp
URL https://nishifuji.jimdofree.com/
Entry Fee JY10,000
Membship Fee Annual Membership JY20,000 for local pilot (JY10,000 for others)
 Visiting Pilot
Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI SafePro 4 or equivalent, or greater (JHF-Novice or IPPI SafePro 3 must be accmpanied by an instructor)
Visitor Fee Please enclose JY2,000/day in the envelop of Flight Pledge before you fly. (Full amount will be paid back if you do not fly.)
Name Middle TO
Terrain SE approx 10m, a bit steep
Keep running thru the end of TO platform to get enough lift in the rarefied air at the hight of 1,150ASL. Do not jump on.
Height (1150m ASL) Height 450m Distance 1.5km
LD-TO Access 15 minuits by car, 1 hour on foot
GPS Coordinates 35.37568693267329, 138.53982580744187
Name Upper TO
Terrain SE approx 10m, a bit steep
Keep running thru the end of TO platform to get enough lift in the rarefied air at the hight of 1,170 ASL. Do not jump on.
Height (1170mASL) Height 470m Distance 1.5km
LD-TO Access 15 minuts by car, 1 hour on foot@Carrying up about 20 meters
GPS Coordinates 35.37571373260562, 138.53940119139787
 Landing (LD)
Size 100m×150m
Vertical Distance from TO 1.5km (700m ASL)
Recommended Approach Make final turn above Inokashira forest road located at north of LD and and approach to LD by taking long stretch leg to south.
Terrain Grassland, mild slope toward south
GPS Coordinates 35.36915245216047, 138.55325361641152
Site Comment Conditions above the landing zone is not stable due to ground thermals. Landing before 10 a.m. or in the evening is recommended. Local pilots usually find the best timing for landing while staying above south slope of the hill on the south west of LD, commonly called as Jinbayama or the reflecting board placed on the hill on the north east. (A part of the airspace is shared with Tonbo Clubu of Paragliding) If any damage given to someone's property, please submit report together with payment of JY1,000.
 Others œYou would take off having unobstructed view of Mt.Fuji right in front and enjoy comfortable flight above montain ranges of Tenshi and Kenashi spreading from south to north. Tight turn is recommended to gain altitude. œAll pilots who want to fly this area are required to attend the lecture of Inokashira Safety Seminar. Please contact Nishifuji Tomonokai for details. œAsagiri Kogen plateau on the west of Mt.Fuji boasts dairy products such as fresh milk, ice-cream corn, sausages produced at nearby dairy cattle farms. Many tourist spots around Fuji-Goko, five lakes at the northern foot of Mt.Fuji. Suruga Bay in 40 minutes toward south where you you'd enjoy scrumptious local marine products.
 Last updated 2024/6/28
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 Site Name Ikawa Sasayama
 Description Alpine area located on the Southern Alps of Japan.
 Location Ikawa Sasayama, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 428-0504
By Car 2 hours from Shizuoka IC of Tomei expressway
By Train One and a half hours by car from JR Shizuoka station
 Flying Season Year round (except when montain trail is covered with snow)
 School Yes
 Name of School Boken Club Paraglider School
 Bilingual Staff Japanese/English
Name Boken Club Paraglider School
Address 13-12 Seikanchou, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 420-0047
TEL 090-3250-3017
Email e-repair.shiosaka@rondo.ocn.ne.jp
Check-in Desk 09:00∼17:00
 Visitor Rating JHF-XC or IPPI ParaPro/SafePro 5, or greater
 Member's Fee JY3,000
 Visitor Fee JY2,000
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Sasayama
Direction SW
Terrain 30° slope
Rating 1
Size 50m×50m
TO ASL 1,615m
GPS Coordinates
Site Comment
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings %  Ridge Soarings %  Sleddies %
Rating 1
Altitude TO∼LD 1,615m
Distance TO∼LD 3,000m
Site Comment
 Landing (LD)
Size 85m×150m
Terrain Flat
Rating 1
LD ASL 670m
GPS Coordinates
Site Comment
 Access LD∼TO By car
 Cross Country Flight
 Place of Interest Ikawa Dam, Ikawa Riverwell Ski Resort
 Last updated 2011/9/21
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 Site Name Asagiri Kogen Inokashira
 Desctription Spectacular view of Fujisan (Mt. Fuji) during your flight year round.
 Location Asagiri Kogen highland, Shizuoka Prefecture
By Car 35 minutes from Fuji IC of Tomei Expressway or Kawaguchiko IC of Chuo Expressway
By Train
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
 Name of School Sky Asagiri
 Bilingual Staff Not available
Name Sky Asagiri
Address 499 Fumoto, Fujinomiya-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 418-0109
TEL 0544-52-0304
FAX 0544-52-0344
Email para_ha_asagiri@skyasa.com
URL http://www.skyasa.com/
Check-in desk 09:00`
 Visitor Rating JHP-P or IPPI ParaPro 4, or greater
 Member's Fee JY2,500/day plus annual membership
 Visitor Fee JY4,000/weekday  JY4,500/weekend & holidays  Shuttle service to/from Takeoff is included
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Inokashira TO
Direction E
Terrain 10° slope
Rating 2
Size 3 paragliders
TO ASL 1,100m
GPS Coordinates N35°22′21.20″  E138°32′48.20″
Site Comment @
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 50“  Ridge Soarings 30“  Sleddies 20“
Rating 2
Altitude TO∼LD 310m
Distance TO∼LD 200m
Site Comment @
 Landing (LD)
Size 150m×200m
Terrain Flat
Rating 1
LD ASL 700m
GPS Coordinates N35°22′13.50″  E138°33′15.50″
Site Comment @
 Access LD∼TO 10 minutes by shuttle
 Cross Country Flight Not allowed
 Place of Interest Shiraito-no Taki (waterfall), Kaze-no-yu hot spa, Fuji Safari Park, Fujikyu Highland amusement Park, etc.
 Last updated 2010/2/06
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 Site Name Asagiri Kogen Shiraito
 Description You can enjoy spectacular view of Fujisan (Mt. Fuji) in front during your flight year round.
 Location Asagiri Kogen highland, Shizuoka Prefecture
By Car 30 minutes from Fuji IC of Tomei Expressway or 40 minutes from Kawaguchiko IC of Chuo Expressway.
By Train
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
 Name of School Sky Asagiri
 Bilingual Staff No
Name Sky Asagiri
Address 499 Fumoto, Fujinomiya-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 418-0109
TEL 0544-52-0304
FAX 0544-52-0344
Email para_ha_asagiri@skyasa.com
URL http://www.skyasa.com/
Check-in Desk 09:00`
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI ParaPro 4, or greater
 Member's Fee JY2,500/day plus annual membership
 Visitor Fee JY4,000/weekdays &nbspJY4,500/weekend & holidays  Shuttle service to/from Launch included
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Shiraito TO
Direction SE
Terrain 25° slope
Rating 1
Size Paraglider×6
TO ASL 840m
GPS Coordinates N34°19′52.00″  E138°33′36.00″
Site Comment @
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 50“  Ridge Soarings 30“  Sleddies 20“
Rating 2
Altitude TO∼LD 240m
Distance TO∼LD 300m
Site Comment @
 Landing (LD)
Size 50m~200m
Terrain Moderate slope
Rating 3
LD ASL 600m
GPS Coordinates N35°19′32.30″  E138°33′33.60″
Site Comment @
 Access LD∼TO 7 minutes by shuttle
 Cross Country Flight Not allowed
 Place of Interest Shiraito-no Taki (waterfall), Kaze-no-yu hot spa, Fuji Safari Park, Fujikyu Highland Amusement Park, etc.
 Last updated 2010/2/06
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 Site Name Dairabo
 Description Big thermal comes in along rivers of Abe-kawa and Warashina-kawa from Shizuoka urban district.
 Location Dairabo, Aioi-ku, Shizuoka City
By Car 20 minutes from Shizuoka Service Area (Smart Interchange) of New Tomei Expressway.
By Train Gett off at Shizuoka Station of JR Tokaido Line, then 20 minutes by car.
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
 Name of School Boken Club Paraglider School
 Bilingual Staff
Name Boken Club
Address Twin Core 1F, Seikan-cho, Aioi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 420-0047
TEL 054-253-3656
FAX 054-253-0289
Email e~repair.shiosaka@rondo.ocn.ne.jp
Check-in Desk 09:00∼10:00
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI ParaPro 4
 Member's Fee
 Visitor Fee JY1,000  JY100/km for retriaval of cross-country pilot
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Dairabo
Direction E
Terrain 30° slope
Rating 4
Size 20m×30m
TO ASL 550m
GPS Coordinates N34.991485°  E138.273028°
Site Comment The site is part of nature reserve and you are requested to take good care of the environment.
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 60%  Ridge Soarings 30%  Sleddies 10%
Rating 2
Altitude TO∼LD 500m
Distance TO∼LD 1,200m
Site Comment @
 Landing (LD)
Size 20m×500m
Terrain 0° slope
Rating 1
LD ASL 60m
GPS Coordinates N34.988229°  E138.296°
Site Comment River bank (500m long) at right angles to the wind.
 Access LD∼TO 15 minutes by shuttle at JY500
 Cross Country Flight Allowed for JHF-XC or IPPI ParaPro 5
 Place of Interest Japan South Alps, Nihon-daira, Miho-no-matsubara (pine covered area near the sea), Umegashima-onsen hot spring
 Others Newly opened: Ikawa-ko Lake Flight Area Apr thru Dec, TO 1,600m/1,400m  LD 600m  L/D 1:3
 Last updated 2010/2/15
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 Site Name Izu-no-kuni Katsuragiyama Area
 Description Thermal area in urban district, having nice view of Fujisan (Mr. Fuji) over Suruga Bay when you could top-out over the takeoff. Cross country flight at your own discretion. Club area. Wind information via radio and the website. Wind chart can be checked on mobile phone.
 Location 1698-1 Kamishima, Izuno-kuni-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 410-2325
By Car Go to Katsuragiyama Panorama Park from Izu-Nagaoka Onsen (hot spring) on R136
By Train Gett off at Takyo Station of Izu Hakone Railways Sunzu Line and walk up to Daimon bridge on Kanogawa river, LD is about 300m upstream.
 Flying Season Year round. Best season is spring and autumn. Cross country distance record of 42km heading for Matsuda.
 School No
 Name of School
 Bilingual Staff Japanese/English
Name Tanpopo Club
Address 1740-1918 Hirai, Kannami-cho, Tagata-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture
TEL 090-3107-2630 (Kubota Haruto, President)
Email kubochi115@gmail.com
URL http://www.katsuragiyama.com/
Check-in Desk Any time
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI Para Pro 4, or greater
 Member's Fee Annual membership JY6,000 (Insurance fee JY1,600 is included)
 Visitor Fee JY1,000
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Katsuragiyama
Direction NE∼S
Terrain Medium stiff
Rating 3
Size 2 gliders side by side
TO ASL 410m
GPS Coordinates N35°00′24.1″  E138°55′19.3″
Site Comment Wind comes in from right hand side
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 70%  Ridge Soarings 20%  Sleddies 10%
Rating 3
Altitude TO∼LD 385m
Distance TO∼LD 1,500m
Site Comment Keep suffcient altitude when crossing over ropeway, taking "low path" is prohibited. Outlanding after cross country flight will be possible at places along Kanogawa river (not allowed at Tokura Park in Numazu City).
 Landing (LD)
Size 50m×150m
Terrain Flat (riverbedj
Rating 2
LD ASL 25m
GPS Coordinates N35°00′34.2″  E138°56′31.0″
Site Comment Crabbing during making final approch
 Access LD∼TO 5 minutes by car and 15 minutes via ropeway plus 8 minutes' walk
 Cross Country Flight Allowed for Shimoda, Fuji, Tan'na directions subject to declaration and arrangement of retrieval by pilot.
 Place of Interest Hot springs such as Shuzenji-onsen, Ohito-onsen, Izu-Nagaoka-onsen, Hatake-onsen. Products of the sea are many.
 Others Wind information is available on channel 8 of low power, not subject to license, radio.
 Last updated 2010/3/13
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 Site Name Tan'na Area
 Description Ocean view in front and back, and you can see Fujisan (Mt. Fuji) too. Beautiful scenery.
 Location Kan'nami-cho, Takata-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture
By Car 30 minutes from Numazu IC or Odawara ramp
By Train Kannami Station or Atami Station of JR
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
 Name of School eX Paraglider School
 Bilingual Staff @
Name eX Paraglider School
Address 374-63 Hata, Kannami-cho, Takata-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 419-0104
TEL 090-1057-3219
Email yb7h-smn@asahi-net.or.jp
URL http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~YB7H-SMN/
Check-in Desk 09:30`
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI ParaPro 4 (JHF-B or IPPI ParaPro 2 when accomanied by instructor), or greater
 Member's Fee JY25,000/year
 Visitor Fee JY3,000/day
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Takichiyama
Direction NW∼SW
Terrain 10° slope
Rating 2
Size Ample space
TO ASL 630m
GPS Coordinates N35°06′16.65″  E139°02′03.87″
Site Comment Need to keep running on gentle slope.
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Themal Soarings 30%  Ridge Soarings 30%  Sleddies 30%
Rating 2
Altitude TO∼LD 400m
Distance TO∼LD 1,450m
Site Comment
 Landing (LD)
Size 90m×80m
Terrain Flat
Rating 2
LD ASL 230m
GPS Coordinates N35°06′10.13″  E139°01′07.52″
Site Comment Watch out roads.
 Access LD∼TO School's shuttle
 Cross Country Flight Flight plan in advance is required.
 Place of Interest Atami-onsen hot spring, Nagaoka-onsen hot spring, ORATCHE dairy farm. Many restaurants are nearby.
 Others @
 Last updated 2010/3/24
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 Site Name Hanamako Flight Park
 Description The site has magnificent view of entire Hamanako Lake. 3 minutes' ride from Mikkabi ramp of Tomei Expressway.
 Location Ohtani, Mikkabi-cho, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture
By Car 3 minutes from Mikkabi IC of Tomei Expressway.
By Train
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
 Name of School Hamanako Paraglider School
 Bilingual Staff Japanese/English
Name Hamanako Paraglider School
Address 93-1 Ohtani, Mikkabi-cho, Inasa-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 431-1407
TEL 053-526-0015
FAX 050-3604-5929
Email info@jpmsports.com
URL http://www.jpmsports.com/
Check-in Desk 09:00∼17:00
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI ParaPro 4, or greater
 Member's Fee
 Visitor Fee JY3,500/day@Reservation required.
 Takeoff (TO)
Name No.1 TO
No.2 TO
Direction S
Terrain Slope
Rating 1
Size 1500m²
TO ASL 400m
GPS Coordinates No.1 TO ‚m34‹49Œ23.88@‚d137‹35Œ59.58
No.2 TO ‚m34‹49Œ12.72@‚d137‹35Œ52.92
Site Comment Easy for biginners.
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 40%  Ridge Soarings 40%  Sleddies 20%
Rating 2
Altitude TO∼LD 350m
Distance TO∼LD 1,400m
Site Comment Need attention to strong thermal generating during 12:00 thru 14:00.
 Landing (LD)
Size 80m×150m
Terrain Flat
Rating 2
LD ASL 50m
GPS Coordinates Main LD ‚m34‹48Œ53.40@‚d137‹35Œ28.80
Sub LD ‚m34‹48Œ29.10@‚d137‹35Œ34.50
Site Comment
 Access LD∼TO 2 minutes' walk plus 8 minutes by car plus 5 minutes by mono-rack cart, total 15 minutes
 Cross Country Flight Allowed
 Place of Interest Marine sports, swimming and collecting sea shells on coast are pupular at Lake Hamanako. Taking a bath after flight at Mikkabi Hot Spring or Kanzanji Hot Spring located nearby the site would be a good idea.
 Last updated 2023/5/25
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 Site Name Higashi-izu Misujiyama Flight Area
 Description Site is surrounded by wide plain of Japanese pampas grass. Exciting fright with a great view of Mt.Amagi in the north and Izu Seven Islands to the southeast.
 Location 3150-3 Inatori, Higashi-Izu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture
By Car Tomei Expressway∼Odawara-Atsugi Highway∼R135∼Inatori-Misujiyama, Higashi-Izu
By Train Get off at Atami Station of Tokaido Shinkansen (Bullet Train) or Tokaido Main Line, and take JR Ito/Izukyu RR and get off at Inatori Station. Pick up will be available for arrival at 09:33.
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
 Name of School Izu Flight House Paraglider School
 Bilingual Staff Japanese/English
Name Izu Flight House
Address 3150-3 Inatori, Higashi-Izu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 413-0411
TEL 0557-95-0220
FAX 057-95-5677
Email para@izu-net.com
URL http://www.flighthouse.com/
Check-in Desk 09:00∼10:00 (accepted at training site on later hours)
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI SafePro/ParaPro 4 or greater
 Member's Fee JY30,000/year
 Visitor Fee JY2,500/day
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Misujiyama TO
Direction NE E SE S
Terrain Slope
Rating 2
Size 2-3 paragliders
TO ASL 810m
GPS Coordinates N34°18′02″  E139°00′07″
Site Comment Keep appropriate distance from other pilots to prevent collision from happening while flying.
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 30%  Ridge Soarings 30%  Sleddies 30%
Rating 3
Altitude TO∼LD 380m
Distance TO∼LD 1,800m
Site Comment Follow the same direction with pilot ahead of you when making 360° turn.
 Landing (LD)
Size 50m×80m
Terrain Flat (main LD)  Slope (training LD, not more than 10%°)
Rating 2
LD ASL 430m
GPS Coordinates N34°47′34″  E139°00′57″
Site Comment Fliying over golf course and landing there are prohibited.
 Access LD∼TO 10 minutes' walk plus 5 minutes by car, total 15 minutes
 Cross Country Flight Not allowed (please ask in advance)
 Place of Interest Izu Bio Park (zoo and play land). Hot springs: Odoriko Onsen Kaikan, Takaiso-no-Yu, Kogen-no-Yu, Hana-Ippai-Onsen, Sen'nin-Furo of Kanaya Inn. Restaurant: Tokuzo-maur, Gyoan, Ah-Harahetta, Iccho, Isobe. Tourist resort full of interests.
 Others Rather than becoming too much enthusiastic about flying, visitors may want to bring their families along to enjoy sighseeing on mountains in one of the most famous tourist resort. A lot of things to enjoy are here and there if you do not have good condition for paragliding.
 Last updated 4/25/2003
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 Site Name Kan'nami Glider Park
 Description The site is on the root of Izu Peninsura and has an spectacular view of Sagami Bay and Suruga Bay. You might want to enjoy flight by watching such nice view on a fine day.
 Location Shizuoka Prefecture
By Car Atami via Odawara∼eX (15 minutes from Atami)
By Train Pick-up service will be available at Kan'nami Station of JR Tokaido Line.
 Flying Season Year round
 School Yes
 Name of School eX
 Bilingual Staff
Name eX
Address 374-63 Hata, Kan'nami-cho, Tagata-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan 419-0104
TEL 055-974-3439
FAX 055-974-3458
Email yb7h-smn@asahi-net.or.jp
URL http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~YB7H-SMN/startnn.html
Check-in Desk 09:00∼17:00
 Visitor Rating JHF-P or IPPI SafePro/ParaPro 4, or greater
 Member's Fee JY21,000/year
 Visitor Fee JY3,000/day
 Takeoff (TO)
Name Takichiyama
Direction SW
Terrain Flat
Rating 2
Size 50 gliders
TO ASL 640m
GPS Coordinates N35°06′06.40″  E139°02′20.40″
Site Comment Slope is almost flat and you would need to have good run.
 Condition of Flight
Soaring Ratio Thermal Soarings 20%  Ridge Soarings 20%  Sleddies 20%
Rating 2
Altitude TO∼LD 300m
Distance TO∼LD 600m
Site Comment Please pay attention to wind velocity that will change frequently.
 Landing (LD)
Size 80m×150m
Terrain Slope
Rating 3
LD ASL 307m
GPS Coordinates N35°06′12.40″  E139°01′38.00″
Site Comment There are two differnt landing fields and you would need to pick either of them depending on flight condition.
 Access LD∼TO 10 minutes by car
 Cross Country Flight Allowed
 Place of Interest Dairy Farming Country Oratche (Tan'na Basin), Hata Hot Spa (Kan'nami-cho), Atami resort, etc.
 Last updated 4/25/2003
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