Report created: 2015-10-12T19:30:20+09:00


2015-10-09 to 2015-10-13


2015-10-12 2015JapanChampionshipInAshioTask4

Race to Goal 75,7 km


No Dist. Id Radius
Open Close Coordinates
1 0,0 km APT042 400 11:30 14:40 Lat: 36 16 06.44 Lon: 140 09 02.14
2 SS 1,6 km B23037 6000 12:30 16:00 Lat: 36 16 60.00 Lon: 140 14 16.92
3 4,5 km B28035 400 12:30 16:00 Lat: 36 14 46.02 Lon: 140 08 58.98
4 43,9 km B47005 2000 12:30 16:00 Lat: 36 37 16.98 Lon: 140 09 11.64
5 66,3 km B70015 1000 12:30 16:00 Lat: 36 48 19.98 Lon: 140 03 48.90
6 ES 74,1 km ZLB018 2000 12:30 16:00 Lat: 36 52 45.30 Lon: 140 07 04.08
7 75,7 km ZLB018 400 12:30 16:00 Lat: 36 52 45.30 Lon: 140 07 04.08
StartGate(s): 12:30

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor SS ES Time km/h Dist. Dist.
1 151 Jost Napret M SLO Ozone Enzo2 M 12:30:00 14:56:02 02:26:02 29,8 75,69 771,2 40,0 160,2 28,6 1000
2 4 Junichi Taga M JPN Ozone Enzo2 M 多賀純一 12:30:00 15:26:58 02:56:58 24,6 75,69 771,2 31,3 83,6 13,4 900
3 45 Hirokawa Yoshiaki M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 廣川靖晃 12:30:00 15:27:09 02:57:09 24,5 75,69 771,2 31,8 83,3 9,4 896
4 3 Tomoharu Wakayama M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 若山朋晴 12:30:00 15:28:09 02:58:09 24,4 75,69 771,2 24,5 81,7 7,2 885
5 11 Yoshiaki Nakagawa M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 中川喜昭 12:30:00 15:29:02 02:59:02 24,3 75,69 771,2 22,7 80,2 6,1 880
6 1 Kiyoshi Nariyama M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 成山基義 12:30:00 15:13:16 02:43:16 26,6 75,20 768,7 33,0 802
7 23 Yoshiki Kuremoto M JPN Ozone Enzo2 M 呉本圭樹 12:30:00 71,04 741,7 27,5 769
8 2 Yozo Obata M JPN Gin Boomerang10 M 小幡洋三 12:30:00 70,23 735,5 20,4 756
9 48 Yuji Inami M JPN Gin Boomerang10 S 稲見祐二 12:30:00 70,64 739,0 15,3 754
10 32 Yoshihiko Murata M JPN Ozone M6 L 村田好彦 12:30:00 69,46 727,7 13,0 741
11 18 Takuya Sugishita M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 杉下拓也 12:30:00 64,45 684,7 13,7 698
12 21 Keiko Hiraki F JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 平木啓子 12:30:00 60,97 661,1 661
13 63 Yoshitake Fujiki M JPN Gin Boomerang10 M 藤木芳猛 12:30:00 58,60 645,1 645
14 41 Masanori Morikawa M JPN Ozone M6 ML 森川正則 12:30:00 56,08 625,8 8,4 634
15 68 Masafumi Yamamoto M JPN Ozone M6 ML 山本雅史 12:30:00 56,38 628,3 628
16 100 Katsuya Maekawa M JPN Ozone Mantra ML 前川克哉 12:30:00 56,17 626,6 627
17 120 Takumi Motoyama M JPN Ozone M6 ML 元山 工 12:30:00 55,67 621,1 621
18 16 Setsuo Sakai M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 酒井節夫 12:30:00 54,32 604,0 604
19 122 Kazuhiro Yoshida M JPN Gin Boomerang10 M 吉田和博 12:30:00 52,83 583,8 584
20 50 Yasushi Kitajima M JPN Ozone M6 S 北嶋康嗣 12:30:00 50,37 562,1 2,2 564
21 42 Syogo Umeoka M JPN Ozone Delta2 S 梅岡翔吾 12:30:00 49,66 556,1 556
22 40 Naoyuki Hirai M JPN Ozone M6 ML 平井直行 12:30:00 47,69 539,0 2,4 541
23 14 Wada Koji M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 和田浩二 12:30:00 46,68 529,2 529
24 72 Masaru Nakazsato M JPN Ozone M6 MS 中里 勝 12:30:00 44,69 511,5 512
25 61 Hidehito Hanada M JPN Ozone M6 MS 花田英仁 12:30:00 44,20 506,7 507
26 30 Mika Takahashi F JPN Ozone M6 S 高橋美佳 12:30:00 40,27 473,9 474
27 123 Ryuichi Ibukuro M JPN Ozone M3 S 衣袋隆一 12:30:00 37,15 452,8 453
28 65 Katsutoshi Terao M JPN Ozone Enzo S 寺尾勝利 12:30:00 32,17 421,0 421
29 8 Hirokazu Achiha M JPN Ozone Enzo S 阿知波広和 12:30:00 32,04 420,2 420
30 31 Midori Nakanome F JPN Ozone M6 MS 中目みどり 12:30:00 28,67 391,5 392
30 12 Kazuhiro Aoki M JPN Ozone Enzo2 M 青木和広 12:30:00 28,74 392,1 392
32 57 Hidetoshi Sumi M JPN Ozone Enzo2 M 隅 秀敏 12:30:00 28,36 388,8 389
33 24 Yoshiue Kure M JPN Ozone M6 L 呉 吉植 12:30:00 28,04 385,7 386
34 119 Masaharu Matsukura M JPN UP TrangoXC2 M 松倉政治 12:30:00 27,49 379,2 379
35 20 Toshihiko Ujita M JPN AirDesign Pure2 M 氏田敏彦 12:30:00 27,34 377,3 377
36 113 Masakazu Maeda M JPN Nivuik Artik4 27 前田昌和 12:30:00 23,29 329,0 329
37 35 Takeshi Naito M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 内藤 丈 12:30:00 21,72 318,5 319
37 17 Nao Takada F JPN Ozone M6 S 高田奈緒 12:30:00 21,80 319,0 319
39 112 Daigo Arai M JPN AirDesign Pure2 M 荒井大悟 12:30:00 21,32 314,4 314
40 26 Masaaki Aoki M JPN Ozone M6 S 青木政昭 12:30:00 19,51 293,3 293
41 43 Isao Ohbuchi M JPN Ozone M6 MS 大渕 勲 12:30:00 18,00 276,2 276
42 7 Takuo Iwasaki M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 岩﨑拓夫 12:30:00 17,53 272,3 272
43 58 Akiko Kimura F JPN Ozone Delta2 S 木村亜希子 12:30:00 15,90 255,9 256
44 39 Takashi Kawaguchi M JPN Ozone M6 S 川口 孝 12:30:00 14,86 245,4 245
45 5 Shingo Ueda M JPN Gin Booomerang10 M 植田真吾 12:30:00 13,64 233,2 233
46 70 Haruyuki Tohbu M JPN Niviuk IP7 24 東武治幸 12:30:00 11,43 212,3 212
47 19 Terumine Kawakami M JPN Ozone M4 ML 川上輝峰 12:30:00 11,04 209,0 209
48 118 Norihiko Sekiguchi M JPN Advance Omega 22 関口典彦 12:30:00 8,72 187,8 188
48 62 Tatsumi Sato M JPN Ozone Enzo2 S 佐藤辰美 12:30:00 8,75 188,1 188
50 56 Kazuo Nakamura M JPN Swing Stratus8 23 中村和夫 12:30:00 8,06 179,9 180
51 64 Koichiro Nakanishi M JPN UP Trango XC3 SM 中西公一郎 12:30:00 6,67 164,9 165
52 27 Mayumi Hayasaka F JPN Ozone M6 S 早坂真有美 12:30:00 6,51 163,1 163
53 77 Akira Ishii M JPN Ozone M6 L 石井 旭 12:30:00 6,35 161,0 161
54 107 Keita Kokaji M JPN Ozone M6 MS 小梶渓太 12:30:00 6,25 159,5 160
55 6 Tomokazu Iriyama M JPN Ozone M6 MS 入山朋一 12:30:00 6,17 158,3 158
56 38 Yasuaki Sekine M JPN Ozone M6 MS 関根靖明 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 33 Keiichi Tsujimoto M JPN Advance Omega 24 辻本恵一 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 53 Yuichi Yamada M JPN BGD Tala ML 山田裕一 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 49 Yusuke Yamaguchi M JPN Ozone Enzo S 山口裕介 6,00 155,1 155
56 13 Takeshi Tanaka M JPN Ozone M6 MS 田中 健 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 10 Taro Kamiyama M JPN Ozone Enzo2 M 上山太郎 6,00 155,1 155
56 29 Yoko Kawamura F JPN Ozone M6 S 河村葉子 6,00 155,1 155
56 22 Atsuko Yamashita F JPN Ozone M6 MS 山下敦子 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 97 Sayuri Takahashi F JPN AirDesign Rise2superlight S 高橋さゆり 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 88 Michio Murayama M JPN Ozone M6 MS 村山三千男 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 121 Tsuchida Katsushige M JPN Advance Sigma7 26 土田克茂 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 47 Takahiro Nakayama M JPN Ozone M6 S 中山隆広 6,00 155,1 155
56 60 Seigo Watanabe M JPN Ozone M6 ML 渡辺正剛 6,00 155,1 155
56 54 Yumi Hashimoto F JPN Ozone M6 S 橋本由美 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 86 Masaharu Fukui M JPN Niviuk Peak3 25 福井雅春 12:30:00 6,00 155,1 155
56 75 Tadashi Imanaka M JPN Niviuk Peak3 S 今中 正 6,00 155,1 155

Pilots absent from task (ABS)

Id Name
28 Kawano Kaoru
34 Shinpei Fuwa
55 Kikuo Okamoto
109 Toshinori Mori

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 72.46
task_distance 75.685
launch_to_ess_distance 74.083
no_of_pilots_present 71
no_of_pilots_flying 71
no_of_pilots_lo 66
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 29
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 6
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 5
sum_flown_distance 2156.352
best_dist 75.685
best_time 2.43388888888889
worst_time 2.98388888888889
no_of_pilots_in_competition 75
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 1781.506
sum_real_dist_over_min 1781.506
sum_flown_distances 2156.352
best_real_dist 75.685
last_start_time 2015-10-12T12:30:00+09:00
first_start_time 2015-10-12T12:30:00+09:00
first_finish_time 2015-10-12T14:56:02+09:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 3.99398147873376
no_of_pilots_with_time_points 6
k 0.0845070422535211
arrival_weight 0.0286031492466004
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0.0400444089452406
time_weight 0.160177635780962
distance_weight 0.771174806027197
smallest_leading_coefficient 2.40514410350614
available_points_distance 771.174806027197
available_points_time 160.177635780962
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 40.0444089452406
available_points_arrival 28.6031492466004
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 1
stop_validity 1
day_quality 1

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2011
use_distance_points 1
use_time_points 1
use_departure_points 0
use_leading_points 1
use_arrival_position_points 1
use_arrival_time_points 0
min_dist 6
nom_dist 30
nom_time 1
nom_goal 0.2
day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0
jump_the_gun_factor 0
jump_the_gun_max 0
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_validity_based_on_pilot_with_speed_rank 1
bonus_gr 2
no_pilots_in_goal_factor 1
task_stopped_factor 1