Report created: 2019-09-23T08:06:14+09:00


2019-09-19 to 2019-09-23


2019-09-22 2019EJCtask4

Race to Goal 38,6 km


No Dist. Id Radius
Coordinates Open Close
1 0,0 km AAT054 400 Lat: 36 16 36.42 Lon: 140 08 43.50 11:00:00+09:00 14:00:00+09:00
2 SS 2,2 km B34030 8000 Lat: 36 10 56.04 Lon: 140 07 59.94 11:30:00+09:00 17:00:00+09:00
3 5,4 km NG2056 1000 Lat: 36 17 31.02 Lon: 140 09 02.94 11:30:00+09:00 17:00:00+09:00
4 8,7 km B27037 1000 Lat: 36 14 47.52 Lon: 140 08 10.80 11:30:00+09:00 17:00:00+09:00
5 14,4 km C13004 10000 Lat: 36 20 28.79 Lon: 140 16 29.06 11:30:00+09:00 17:00:00+09:00
6 ES 38,0 km ZLG004 1000 Lat: 36 16 18.00 Lon: 139 54 19.98 11:30:00+09:00 17:00:00+09:00
7 38,6 km ZLG004 400 Lat: 36 16 18.00 Lon: 139 54 19.98 11:30:00+09:00 17:00:00+09:00
StartGate(s): 11:30:00+09:00, 11:45:00+09:00, 12:00:00+09:00, 12:15:00+09:00, 12:30:00+09:00

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor SS ES Time km/h Dist. Dist.
1 5 Yuji Suzuki M JPN Moyes RX3.5 Pro 鈴木 由路 11:30:00 12:31:05 01:01:05 35,2 38,6 473,7 87,2 348,8 62,3 972
2 7 Shigeto Ishizaka M JPN Litespeed RX Pro 石坂 繁人 11:30:00 12:31:35 01:01:35 34,9 38,6 473,7 78,9 334,5 54,2 941
3 3 Genki Tanaka M JPN COMBAT GT 12.7 田中 元気 11:30:00 12:33:18 01:03:18 33,9 38,6 473,7 76,7 310,3 40,8 902
4 13 Nobuhiro Okada M JPN T2 岡田 伸弘 11:30:00 12:33:31 01:03:31 33,8 38,6 473,7 80,9 307,8 35,4 898
5 9 Takashi Sunama M JPN COMBAT GT 砂間 隆司 11:30:00 12:33:01 01:03:01 34,1 38,6 473,7 57,4 313,7 47,1 892
6 19 Takeshi Tanaka (1) M JPN Combat 田中 猛 11:30:00 12:36:43 01:06:43 32,2 38,6 473,7 66,6 277,1 30,7 848
7 8 Shogo Ota M JPN Combat-C 12.7 太田 昇吾 11:30:00 12:36:51 01:06:51 32,1 38,6 473,7 73,4 276,0 23,3 846
8 4 Yoshihiko Ujiie M JPN combat09GT 氏家 良彦 11:30:00 12:36:46 01:06:46 32,2 38,6 473,7 68,0 276,7 26,7 845
9 49 Takeshi Yokoyama M JPN Moyes RX4 横山 豪 11:30:00 12:41:58 01:11:58 29,9 38,6 473,7 55,4 237,7 18,3 785
10 50 Maeda Satoshi M JPN COMBAT-GT 12.7 前田 哲志 11:30:00 12:44:06 01:14:06 29,0 38,6 473,7 57,0 223,6 16,5 771
11 27 Daiyo Tomohito M JPN COMBAT12.8 大陽 智仁 11:30:00 12:41:05 01:11:05 30,2 38,6 473,7 64,0 243,8 20,6 770
12 21 Keita Kokaji M JPN COMBAT GT 小梶 渓太 12:00:00 13:20:15 01:20:15 26,8 38,6 473,7 186,8 12,6 673
13 28 Ito Manabu M JPN T2C 136 伊藤 学生 11:30:00 13:01:08 01:31:08 23,6 38,6 473,7 48,2 130,1 14,2 666
14 20 Hiroshi Onuma M JPN ICARO2000 Laminar Z9 大沼 浩 11:30:00 13:00:43 01:30:43 23,7 38,6 473,7 8,3 132,1 15,2 629
15 45 Sayaka Sakurai F JPN Combat 櫻井 さやか 11:30:00 13:12:38 01:42:38 20,9 38,6 473,7 17,1 77,4 13,4 582
16 25 Yoshikatsu Tonomura M JPN T2C136 外村 仁克 11:30:00 13:18:18 01:48:18 19,8 38,6 473,7 3,9 53,3 12,9 544
17 51 Mitsuko Yakoh F JPN Z9 谷古宇 瑞子 11:45:00 33,0 439,6 440
18 37 Kodaka Fumio M JPN moyes ライトスピードRS 3.5 小高 史郎 11:30:00 28,2 401,3 1,8 403
19 134 Chisato Nojiri F JPN COMBAT09 12.8 野尻 知里 11:30:00 26,2 385,1 16,3 401
20 2 Naoki Itagaki M JPN Combat 板垣 直樹 12:30:00 26,1 384,3 384
21 135 Masahiro Kitano M JPN Northwing Liberty 148 北野 正浩 11:45:00 24,3 362,9 363
22 44 Yuasa Hisao M JPN ラミナール 湯浅 久夫 11:30:00 24,3 362,4 362
23 10 Nagusa Akira M JPN Wills Wing T3 144 名草 慧 11:30:00 21,8 326,0 326
24 16 Akira Mutazono M JPN RX3.5 牟田園 明 12:15:00 18,2 288,5 289
25 36 Baba Shunji M JPN Combat09 馬場 峻司 12:30:00 17,4 281,2 281
26 33 Fukazawa Takuto M JPN COMBAT L 深沢 拓人 12:30:00 17,0 276,4 276
27 108 Kikuchi Hirotaka M JPN T2C 菊池 裕貴 12:30:00 15,7 260,9 261
28 41 Taichi Kakimoto M JPN combat12.7 柿本 大智 11:30:00 15,5 259,1 259
29 14 Hideo Matsuda M JPN combat 松田 秀生 11:30:00 14,7 245,6 246
30 59 Akiko Suzuki F JPN combat 鈴木 あき子 12:30:00 14,5 240,8 241
31 6 Koji Daimon M JPN Aeros Combat 大門 浩二 11:30:00 14,2 235,6 236
32 60 Uchida Shuko F JPN ライトスピードRX 内田 秀子 6,0 142,1 142
32 35 Satoru Muramatsu M JPN Aeros Combat 村松 学 11:45:00 6,0 142,1 142
32 61 Fujikake Yuji M JPN Moyes RX Pro 3.5 藤掛 祐二 6,0 142,1 142
32 77 Tanaka Tamon M JPN Litespeed 田中 多聞 12:30:00 6,0 142,1 142
32 71 Oga Takamitsu M JPN RX Pro3 大鋸 貴光 6,0 142,1 142
32 48 Torii Aogu M JPN T2C 136 鳥居 仰 11:45:00 6,0 142,1 142
32 39 Nakanishi Ryota M JPN T2C 144 中西亮太 11:30:00 6,0 142,1 142
32 42 nakai masanori M JPN laminar 中井 雅典 6,0 142,1 142
32 12 Abe Kozo M JPN Combat GT 12.4 阿部 貢造 11:30:00 6,0 142,1 142
32 57 Mayumi Toriumi F JPN mastr 鳥海 真弓 6,0 142,1 142
32 54 Noboru Goto M JPN ICARO Z9 12.6 後藤 登 11:30:00 6,0 142,1 142
32 52 Yanagita Takashi M JPN Icaro 2000 Laminar 柳田 崇 6,0 142,1 142


Note: % penalty is used to calc penalty as a % of total score. Both types can be combined. None affect the scoring of other pilots.
Id Name % penalty points penalty Reason
27 Daiyo Tomohito 4% 0 airspace infringement : 17m outside from NOV-SCR-DRE-SE-P

Pilots absent from task (ABS)

Id Name
137 Masakazu Sato
136 Takahashi Yoichi
56 Tsutomu Kawase
47 Ohno Hiroshi
34 Hidenao Tsuda
29 Ryohei Toyota
24 Gakuta Toba
23 Hiromichi Yokoyama
22 Takahiro Matsumura
18 Satoshi Nakamura
26 Ryosuke Hattori

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 35.812
task_distance 38.562
launch_to_ess_distance 37.963
no_of_pilots_present 43
no_of_pilots_flying 43
no_of_pilots_lo 27
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 16
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 16
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 16
sum_flown_distance 958.229
best_dist 38.562
best_time 1.01805555555556
worst_time 1.805
no_of_pilots_in_competition 54
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 742.101
sum_real_dist_over_min 742.101
sum_flown_distances 958.229
best_real_dist 38.562
last_start_time 2019-09-22T12:30:00+09:00
first_start_time 2019-09-22T11:30:00+09:00
first_finish_time 2019-09-22T12:31:05+09:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 2.02704294673324
no_of_pilots_with_time_points 16
goalratio 0.372093023255814
arrival_weight 0.0640756600047795
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0.0897059240066912
time_weight 0.358823696026765
distance_weight 0.487394719961764
smallest_leading_coefficient 0.783569549633844
available_points_distance 473.72396235831
available_points_time 348.759180409644
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 87.1897951024111
available_points_arrival 62.2784250731508
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 0.971951362943517
stop_validity 1
day_quality 0.971951362943517
ftv_day_validity 0.971951362943517
time_points_stop_correction 0

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2016
min_dist 6
nom_dist 35
nom_time 1
nom_launch 0.96
nom_goal 0.2
day_quality_override 0
bonus_gr 5
jump_the_gun_factor 2
jump_the_gun_max 900
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0.8
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
use_arrival_position_points 1
use_arrival_time_points 0
use_departure_points 0
use_difficulty_for_distance_points 1
use_distance_points 1
use_distance_squared_for_LC 1
use_leading_points 1
use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 0
use_time_points 1
scoring_altitude gps
leading_time_ballance 0
final_glide_decelerator none
min_time_span_for_valid_task 60
score_back_time 15
use_proportional_leading_weight_if_nobody_in_goal 0
double_leading_weight 0